Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Adding to the Family

March 2029 - Brindleton Bay, Connecticut
Norman household: Jessica is 43, Richard is 38, Tyler is 9, Grace is 9

“I have an idea,” Tyler Norman says one morning at breakfast. “Or really, Grace has an idea.”

Grace shoots her brother a scowl across the table. “No, you promised to say it.”

“Say what?” Jessica asks her kids before they can start an argument first thing in the morning.

“That we should get a dog,” Grace says.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

March 2029 Birthdays & Anniversaries

“It doesn’t seem like it’s been forty-four years,” Julie Lloyd tells William. “It seems like just yesterday we were in college, talking about spending forever together after we were done.”

“That was just yesterday,” William says, reaching up to softly rub her cheek. “You’re still as young and beautiful as you were then.”