Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Following the Hints

January 2029 - Paradise City, Nevada
Tang/Lloyd - Suzie Tang is 64, Sunny Lloyd is 64

Suzie Tang is working on her next novel, which is set in a quiet small town sitting out in the desert away from other cities. In the book there is a strange mystery to be solved in between the romance, and so Suzie decides to visit the small town of Paradise City, which sits alone in the Nevada desert.

On her first night there, Suzie explores the town and stops by a small bar. She asks the waitress about the history of the town and what parts she should visit.
“History?” the waitress asks. She wipes her hands on her pants and shakes her head. “No, no. We don’t have a, um, history. We’re just here, by ourselves really.”

The waitress’s response is confusing, but she doesn’t say anything else. Outside, Suzie runs into one of the military members walking down the sidewalk.
“Hey there,” Suzie greets him. “What can you tell me about this city? What things are here that you can’t see anywhere else?”
But he shakes his head. “Nothing to see here. Just the desert, nothing else.” He nods his head and says, “Have a good night.”

The next day Suzie stops by a little booth that sells alien decorations. Maybe she should just drive down to Oasis Springs to see Madison and the kids. Maybe that city would help in her research for the book.
“There’s lots to see here for visitors,” the young guy behind the counter tells her.
Suzie raises her eyebrows. “Really? Tell me where I should start...”

Suzie takes the hints from the young man at the souvenir booth and heads to the strange building in Paradise City. Maybe the guy is just crazy and has all kinds of ideas in his head that he’s made up.

Or maybe he’s right. Suzie wants to find out. She finds an old hazard suit on the grounds and puts it on. She has no idea what’s inside the place, so she wants to be ready.

It’s a strange adventure, one Suzie could never have imagined. But it leaves all kinds of ideas for her book in her head.


“It’s true!” Suzie insists after she gets back home and tells Sunny all about her adventures. “I was face to face with this strange being that was alive. I had to do all kinds of things I never imagined so I could get out of there alive.”

But Sunny knows Suzie comes up with all kinds of ideas in her fiction, and so maybe those stories have taken over her head.

“That sounds like a good story,” Sunny says. “But maybe you should take some time to relax and clear your thoughts now that you’re home.”

“I know you don’t believe me.” Suzie shrugs. “Maybe one day you’ll be brave enough to handle a city like that and see the truth.”

Sunny smiles back at her friend. “Maybe so,” she says, trying to keep Suzie mentally stable. Sunny will keep an eye on her for a few days, make sure Suzie isn’t getting all kinds of strange thoughts now. Let her relax and she’ll get back to reality.

Suzie sighs and gives up trying to convince her roommate. At least now she has ideas for her next book.


I didn’t take any pictures of Suzie with that strange thing in StrangerVille! I didn’t realize that until I resized the pictures for the posts. Oh well. Suzie did beat it, so Paradise City (StrangerVille) will now hopefully be a normal town to have some of my Sims eventually move into in the future.


  1. I actually think it works well to not have any pictures of the...thing...in Strangerville! It leaves it up to us to decide whether Sunny is right and it's all just a part of Suzie's imagination or if it really did happen. ;) Either way, it'll make a good next novel for her!

    1. That’s a great point! It does add some suspicion as to whether she’s telling the truth or had hallucinations! ;)
