Tuesday, June 29, 2021

January - February Birthdays & Anniversaries

 January 2031 - Arcadia, North Carolina

His mom gives him a gift card for his birthday, the gift that James requested from her. He doesn't trust his mom to pick out clothes he would actually wear. So the afternoon of his birthday, he heads out to the mall to try to find the gifts he's looking for.

"These shirts are all kind of meant for old men like our dads," a girl nearby says. 

James recognizes her from some of their classes at Arcadia High School. Christy Hauata. They have calculus and chemistry together, but haven't ever spent time together outside of class. Not that they even spend time together in class.

"So what do you think suits my style?" he asks.

"Hmm," Christy says, looking him over. "I'll get a few options for you to try out."

He buys some of her recommendations and then they head out of the clothing store to explore the rest of the mall together. They stop at the arcade upstairs and play a few games against each other.

James has no idea why Christy is spending any time with him. She has never seemed to pay much attention to him. But it's his birthday, and he won't object to this unexpected surprise.

After a few games in the arcade, they head out and walk over to the theater nearby. James tries to keep himself from getting too close to her, though he does imagine what it would be like to put his arm around her shoulders like he's seen guys do in TV shows and movies. He hasn't ever made out with a girl in a theater, but he wouldn't mind figuring out what it's like.

"Hey," he says, trying to pose himself to look like the manly, rugged men in movies that the girls always fall for. "Want to spend more of the afternoon together? Maybe we can find somewhere private."

But he doesn't get the reaction the guys get in movies. Christy gets up, giving him a look that he hadn't expected. "Um," she says, backing up, "we're just hanging out. My friends are busy, so I was here alone."

James gets up too, trying not to show his shame. "I'm sorry. I thought..."

"You thought I just wanted to hook up with you at the mall because I might be in love with you," Christy finishes for him.

"Um," James stammers. "No. I just...I mean...we don't have to..." He can't find the words he wants to say. Of course he would embarrass himself like this.

He can't keep facing her like this. He's too embarrassed to spend anymore of the afternoon at this mall. "Uh, I have to go," James says. "I'll...I'll see you...at school."

Christy covers her face with her hand. "Don't remind me. Look, don't tell anyone about this, okay? We'll save each other the embarrassment."

James doesn't object to that. He's not about to tell his friends about getting turned down by one of the hottest girls at school on his seventeenth birthday.

January 2 - Andrea Craig - 24
January 8 - Sarah Menon - 65
January 11 - Bryant Craig - 36
January 15 - Beatrice Sutton - 8
January 15 - James Gates-Watson - 16
January 19 - Xander Gates - 41
January 21 - Aaron Gates - 9
January 24 - Zack Lloyd - 15
January 24 - Zoey Lloyd - 15
January 27 - Caleb Gates - 18
January 31 - Waylon Menon - 50

January 4 - Bryant & Madison Craig - 10 years


February 2031 - Brindleton Bay, Connecticut

It's Richard Norman's birthday one snowy day in February, and he says the only thing he wants is to play in the snow with his family. So they head out to the park as the sun promises a beautiful day to celebrate.

Richard never would have thought he'd like living in a small town like this, but he finds himself loving it more and more each day. It's not so bad turning forty.

February 3 - Ethan Carter - 34
February 13 - Isabella Smith - 18
February 14 - Shelley Gates-Watson - 42
February 20 - Lucas Craig - 24
February 23 - Yori Hayashi - 22
February 25 - Richard Norman - 40

February 5 - Nathan and Terri Gates - 20 years

Brindleton Bay is beautiful in the snow!


  1. Kind of a mixed birthday present for poor James! At least he got to spend some time with a girl he admires even if it ended pretty badly. Richard's turned out a lot better. Your shots are gorgeous - the last one is spectacular.

    1. Thanks! That scenery was so pretty and I'm glad the picture turned out just as nice to really capture it. :) Poor James. I thought the girl might like him because she seemed to be responding okay to him. But then that attempt at flirting and just...nope, not having that. Maybe he'll find someone who actually does want to be with him soon!

  2. Aw, poor James! I had to feel for him there! That was pretty brutal.

    Those Brindleton Bay pics are gorgeous! I have to actually let my sims leave their houses one of these days. ;)

    1. He tried and tried, but that girl just wasn't interested! I even cheated and tried to give them a high romance score, but no. Just not happening for them. :(
